Characteristics of Sports-Related Injuries and How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

In the case of sports-related injuries, chiropractic treatment is a recognized therapeutic procedure used in reestablishing joint function, alleviating joint inflammation, reducing pain, and reestablishing full mobility.

Sports injuries are responsible for numerous trips to the emergency room and frequently include recurring treatment sessions to resolve the problem. Along with countless other treatments, physical therapy, and strengthening techniques, chiropractic care provides substantial healing advantages to athletes as well as non-athletes who are injured in sports-related incidents. Chiropractic treatment also offers methods that reinforce previously injured areas of the body through strength training regimens to help the body become less prone to injury and overexertion.

Once bones and joints are misaligned as the result of a serious sports injury, it generates additional strain on the body. Such stressors can greatly affect ligaments, tendons, and muscles, and as a result can cause added pain, discomfort, a decrease in performance, and more serious and long-term problems if not treated properly. At Rivera Family Chiropractic, our team of qualified professionals uses their training and extensive experience to realign the body and correct sports injuries, letting the body heal and reestablish full mobility to injured areas.

Whether as a result of overexertion, an impact collision, or misstep, sports injuries are more than capable of placing an athlete on the sidelines of the action, and keep them out of the game for far longer than needed if they are not suitably treated. Chiropractic treatment is used by armature athletes and Olympic athletes alike and is a confirmed process of treatment for wounded athletes across the globe.

A Brief Overview of Sports Injuries

It’s safe to say that all doctors would agree that a healthy lifestyle and participation in sports is more than encouraged for any human being striving for wellness. Although when the proper precautions are not taken, sports involvement can result in strain, sprain, and stress on all different parts of the body. At Rivera Family Chiropractic Center, we recognize just how painful and challenging it can be to sustain a sports injury. Chiropractic treatment can work towards relieving sports-related pain and, with the right therapy regimen, is able to alleviate symptoms and get you back into a comfortable and active lifestyle.

Types of Sports Injuries

Depending on the type of sport played, injuries will vary. Common injuries may include:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Muscle strains
  • Tendinitis
  • Spinal misalignments
  • Contusions
  • Stress factors
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Symptoms of Sports Injuries

When the body sustains an injury due to athletics or sports training, symptoms that may occur are:

  • Swelling
  • Dull or burning pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle Pains
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle Spasms