Cryotherapy—What it is and Why it Can HelpIn its most simplistic definition, Cryotherapy is the practice of using cold temperatures for the health benefits they
Cryotherapy—What it is and Why it Can HelpIn its most simplistic definition, Cryotherapy is the practice of using cold temperatures for the health benefits they
Cold Laser Therapy Definition and AdvantagesSometimes referred to as Low-Level Lasers (LLL) or soft lasers, cold laser therapy is a relatively new technology and is
Car Accidents — How to Recognize an Injury and How to Respond Car accidents are traumatic, not only emotionally and financially, but physically as well.
Benefits of chiropractic massage therapy: The benefits of massage therapy are well noted. Throughout the years, massage therapy has been known to fight a large number
Understanding Spinal Adjustments & Manipulation, Techniques, and Desired Results Displaced vertebrae can cause serious issues that are accountable for affecting the muscles of the body
The ABS System—a Spinal Decompression Machine for Spinal Injuries and Rehabilitation The ABS (American Back Solutions) system is a machine that is operated remotely by